I graduated high school in 2007 at a pathetic 165 pounds which added insult to injury for my already small frame at about 5'8". My training journey started - for real - in Junior College when I roomed with a buddy who played for a state championship football team in high school. He was a monster and I wanted to be like him. We screwed around in the weightroom at all hours of the night basically just doing bodybuilder style workouts and trying to look better in the mirror. Needless to say, this had basically zero carry-over to athletic performance, but it kept us out of trouble, and we liked the way we looked. I graduated Junior College at 195 pounds and have been passionate about training ever since. Since learning about training athletes in the last three years, I've become fascinated with enhancing performance of the human body and how the athletic body ACTUALLY works.
Anyways, the purpose of this blog is to post ideas, pictures, and videos relevant to Strength & Conditioning as I learn and work with new techniques that improve and maintain performance.
That would be cool.